Straightforward ways you can grow your business this year

Women and Man on Sofa

Make 2021 the year you take your business to the next level. We’ve put together some simple and effective growth strategies that could change the fortunes of your business. 

Focus on branding

Whether you’re a small team of three or a growing business with 300 employees, good branding can transform your company’s reputation and help you win lucrative business with others. Think of your brand and online reputation as your company’s shop front – if it’s anything less than stellar, customers won’t want to work with you. Focus on social media, web development, content marketing, and SEO to put you in the best possible position. 

Introduce a referral scheme 

Why work hard to find clients on your own when someone else could do the hard work for you? A referral or affiliate scheme is one of the best ways to scale your brand and depend on your good reputation to win over new clients. You can offer referees a free gift or reward for their efforts, and the cycle continues. Just be ready with the right staff and protocols to hand to ensure you can cope with increased demand – nobody wants an endless waiting list.

Refine your product offering 

Why should someone buy from your business over your competitors? If you work in a particularly competitive market, it’s vital that you refine your product offering to maximize your success. Your product must be smoking hot and ready to fly off the shelves; if someone else is doing the same thing for less than you, then the chances are that you’ve got it wrong.

Outsource essential tasks

It can be very tempting to attempt to manage everything in-house as a small business owner, but outsourcing essential services such as cleaning, security, and grounds maintenance to a third-party facilities management company not only frees up your time but allows you to access an expert team who can deliver a cost-effective service. Instead of spending your evenings cleaning toilets, you can be catching up with your client base.

Network, network, network

Though the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the way we run our businesses over the past year or two, the truth is that we are slowly heading towards the road to recovery, and as a small business owner, there’s never been a better time to make networking a priority. Getting out there and meeting new people will put your business in front of a whole new audience – after all, business is all about building new relationships.

Which of these strategies are you planning to implement? Let us know and check back soon for more tips and tricks, right here on the Accelerated Growth blog.

private label food companies

This infographic was created by House of Webster, private label food companies

John Peterson

Amanda Peterson: Amanda is an economist turned blogger who provides readers with an in-depth look at macroeconomic trends and their impact on businesses.